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What does state minimum coverage mean?

By December 1, 2023December 8th, 2023No Comments

State minimum auto insurance refers to the lowest amount of coverage required by your state to legally drive. While it provides basic protection, it may not cover all potential expenses in case of an accident. Consider your needs and budget to ensure you’re adequately protected on the road.

In Washington, the state minimum auto insurance is 25/50/10. That means that the most your insurance company will pay after a car crash is: $25,000 maximum to each injured person; $50,000 maximum for all the injuries—or fatalities—from the crash; and, $10,000 in property damage.

Food for thought: you rear-end an electric car; chances are the property damage will be more than $10,000 and you will need to cover the rest. With prices rising everywhere, especially medical & auto, these state minimums will not get you far. 

This is a great reason why it is pertinent to check in with your agent annually to make sure you are adequately covered for the unexpected. 


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